Feature requests

  1. Improve spouse indicator feature

    spouse indicator feature needs improvement, it is not accurate and further add some details in it, checking this feature gives me dopamine...

    Om b
    #Improvement 🔨


  2. App that predicts possible marriage time

    Predicting possible timings of getting married through Vedic Astrology is really a complicated process. There is a need for an app to simplify it for your users. Kindly consider this.

    #Astrology content 📚#Astro apps 🔥


  3. How to identify spouse in navamsa

    How to identify spouse through navamsa and married life



  4. Life expectancy prediction calculator

    life is uncertain... to make more enjoyable and better planning for family it will be good to know the expected age. Or person can do some ritual to avoid early death or live by karma for next better life. No grudge to other

    Vijay Sharma
    #Astro apps 🔥


  5. Choose Location is not giving option for "Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India"

    When trying to Choose Location across website and enter Noida, we do not option for "Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India".

    #Bug 🐛


  6. Add state and/or zip/postal code to location auto search result

    When searching for a location auto search result shows multiple locations without state. eg Columbia or Santa Rosa it is difficult to pick the correct location from the list without knowing which state it belongs to. Much appreciated! Thank you



  7. Raja yog Calculator 👑

    Simple tool to calculate the possible Raja yog conditions in Kundli chart.

    Nachiket Patel
    #Astro apps 🔥


  8. Chart analyzer

    a tool that analyses our birth chart and talks about possible character, future life and suggestions to improve the same

    Harshith K
    #Astrology content 📚#Astro apps 🔥


  9. add yoga indicator or calculator

    a section where people calculate the yoga. exmple are - punch mahapurush yoga, gaj kesari yoga, sarswati yoga, neech bhang raj yoga, viprit raj yoga, and many more

    vishesh p
    #Astrology content 📚


  10. Integration of Gen AI into aaps.space platform

    I came across an application powered by Gen AI, that provides suggestions based on Astrology. App: KundliGPT Link to the app: https://kundligpt.com/ Link to try out the Astrology/KundliGPT chatbot: https://kundligpt.com/chat Try this out. And If you come across an API that lets you integrate this application into aaps.space OR directly contact the developers of KundliGPT. Mail them here: info@kundligpt.com Hoping to see new improvements into the application soon. Thanks

    #Astrology content 📚#Improvement 🔨#Integrations 🔗


  11. Jupiter transit not updated

    Though Jupiter has transited to Taurus from Aries, the transit is not updated in the chart. Please check and update whereever possible. Thank you. Checking for location Athlone, IE.

    #Bug 🐛


  12. Kindly add seconds [SS] option in birth time field.

    It will help in getting accurate results in all your apps. Useful for people who know their accurate birth time.

    #Improvement 🔨#Integrations 🔗


  13. Ishta Devata Calculator

    There are no proper calculators on the Internet for finding Ishta devata by analyzing through natal and divisional charts. Not all natives know their Ishta devata. This app may help them in understanding which god should they worship most by means of vedic astrology. Also add some content about how to interpret results.

    #Astrology content 📚#Astro apps 🔥


  14. Getting wrong chart

    I tried to check 2-4 charts but getting wrong kundli

    Harish c
    #Bug 🐛


  15. founded a tool calculator mistake

    Hi sir, your Planet positions / Birthchart calculator on homepage and Lagna calculator both are showing different results for same date of birth and time. Lagna and birthchart is also showing different. I have also written you a more detailed mail regarding problem.

    Sahil C
    #Improvement 🔨#Astro apps 🔥#Bug 🐛
